Friday, November 18, 2005

Rise UP American Sheepdogs

Awesome post from Blackfive! Sheepdogs, Rise Up! If you have no capacity for violence then you are a healthy productive citizen, a sheep. If you have a capacity for violence and no empathy for your fellow citizens, then you have defined an aggressive sociopath, a wolf. But what if you have a capacity for violence, and a deep love for your fellow citizens? What do you have then? A sheepdog, a warrior, someone who is walking the hero's path. Someone who can walk into the heart of darkness, into the universal human phobia, and walk out unscathed. - Colonel Dave Grossman on Sheepdogs Duty. Honor. Country. I know those words don't mean much to many in the Halls of the Senate and Congress, but they do to a large group of Americans. Sheepdogs, Rise Up! The time is now. Too many would play politics before securing a peace endanger the Iraqis, our troops and us at home. Motivations to withdraw early from Iraq run the gambit of defeatist rhetoric to political protectionism. The motivations of certain Senators that voted for a withdrawl in Iraq are suspect: (1) Conservatives and Moderates are covering their asses for the next election because, right now, the President isn't popular...they are cowards. and/or (2) Liberals don't want the military to meet the expectations of the American people resulting in a political sea change in the states...sycophants. or (3) A few might truly believe that we can meet those expectations and win the war in 2006 and pull our troops out of a safe and democratic Iraq...idealists. Aside for those in category three (if there are any really in that category), those who voted for the amendment are putting their own interests ahead of the mission (duty) ahead of everything other than keeping their cushy jobs (honor) ahead of their constituents (country) Who among you believes that this is NOT politics over country? NOT political self-preservation over our soldiers? NOT the fate of their careers over the fate of Iraq? This is about cutting and running for political cover or gain. Nothing more. It is entirely possible that, in the end, certain Senators and Congressmen will not be viewed as cowards by their constituents. However... They will be viewed as cowards by the Iraqis. Deservedly so. These demands for withdrawl will be a clarion call to Syria and Iran to keep sending terrorists. It sends a signal to Zarqawi to keep going for just twelve more months. It sends a signal to our allies - particularly Tony Blair who's been nothing short of miraculous in this fight - that we will always run from adversity because the last forty years has shown that Americans don't have the stomach for it. This is our one chance to do it right. To get back on track. To show the world that we mean business. Sheepdogs, contact your Senators. Contact your congressmen. Call the Congressional switchboard to be connected to any Senate or House office: 202-225-3121. Write letters to the editor of your hometown papers. Call people. Call your VFW. Call your American Legion. Call your Marine Corps League. Get involved. I've joined the team at No End But Victory. Bookmark it. Visit often. The esteemed authors have more eloquent posts than mine about the amendment in the Senate and the mistakes around the left's arguments for running away. First, peace. Then, withdrawal. No. End. But. Victory.

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