Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Sgt. Seavey cleans Murtha's clock...

VIDEO: A VETERAN TELLS OFF MURTHA/MORAN By Michelle Malkin · January 07, 2006 06:05 AM This. Is. Priceless. As I noted in the post just below, Sgt. Mark Seavey confronted Democrat Reps. Jim Moran and John Murtha at a town hall meeting in Arlington, Va., earlier this week and left the moonbats momentarily speechless. Greyhawk transcribed Sgt. Seavey's comments. I have now isolated and captured the video clip from C-Span for educational purposes and for posterity: Download the video (.wmv file).Sgt. Mark Seavey to Murtha and Moran: "I don't know who you two are talking to but the morale of the troops is very high." My favorite moments were the look on Rep. Jim "Bad Boy" Moran's face when Sgt. Seavey challenged the Dems' "demoralized troops" meme and noted that Moran didn't bother to send a single word of praise or attend a homecoming event when 200 of his Moran's constituents returned from duty in Afghanistan......and the look on Murtha's face as Moran scrambled to move on to a friendly moonbat questioner...I received an e-mail from Sgt. Seavey late last night. He told me: I was so upset, you wouldn't believe it. I speak to large audiences regularly, but never such a hostile one, and never when I am so upset, so I was really nervous about how I came off.You done good, Sgt. Seavey. Sane Americans everywhere are grateful for your bravery and service on the battlefield overseas--and at home.

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