Monday, May 07, 2007

More Good News from Iraq

Provincial Council reconvenes in Ramadi West PAOCAMP BLUE DIAMOND, AR RAMADI, Iraq – The Al Anbar Provincial Council convened here today after nearly a year of meeting in Baghdad due to the security situation in Ramadi.Provincial Gov. Mamoun Sami Rashid Al Awani met with representatives from across Al Anbar to discuss the resolution of major issues in the province, including economic development, improved infrastructure and continued improvements in security. Significant among the issues discussed was the creation of a committee to work with the Ministry of Interior and the Government of Iraq on security enforcement along the Syrian and Jordanian borders.The council is composed of sheikhs and civic leaders representing Al Anbar, including members of Sahawa Al Anbar (Al Anbar Awakening). This is the second meeting of the council in the provincial capital this year, a city of about 400,000 roughly 70 miles west of Baghdad. The last time the council met in the Ramadi area was March of this year, when Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki made a historic visit to Al Anbar to meet with regional leaders. A site of regular attacks since American forces occupied Al Anbar in 2003, the government center in Ramadi is now being renovated. The decision to move ahead with the renovation is largely due to an increased level of security in the city, fueled by increased Iraqi police presence and local cooperation with Coalition Forces. Office spaces and a hotel are also slated for construction to support the provincial government and its guests. The council will continue meeting monthly at Camp Blue Diamond until renovations on the government center in Ramadi are complete.

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