Thursday, June 26, 2008

Iraq integrates 9000 Awakening Council members into Baghdad police

Aswat Al Iraq Newspaper Baghdad, June 24, (VOI)-A spokesman for Baghdad security plan on Wednesday said around 9000 awakening council members were appointed as Baghdad police personnels. “The number of awakening council members(Sons of Iraq) appointed as policemen has come to 9000,” Brig, Gen. Qassem Atta, spokesman for Baghdad security plan, told Aswat al-Iraq-Voices of Iraq(VOI). The spokesman noted “integrating Sons of Iraq into police personnels is ongoing”, but he did not elaborate the whole number of awakening council across Baghdad areas. Awakening councils are mostly Sunni groups that turned against al-Qaeda network in Iraq(AQI)and have helped US-Iraq forces to wrestle power from the AQI in many western and central Iraqi areas.


Anonymous said...

I see you changed your "about me" section on your home page. Getting nervous?

Anonymous said...


I see you are still trolling about like the loser you are. Have you no shame you obama drone? You are so driven by emotions, or hot flashes - or something for obama that you will waste your life's time attempting to shut down one of the willing "true servers" of this country, and the front line in defense of your liberties.

If I had a lapse of decorum I would say something like -You really are a disgusting puke. And you don't deserve to be defended - go defend yourself you candy as#.

But, I shall continue to try to restain myself as I see your nitwit remarks.


Anonymous said...

More Good news from Iraq as we see the country coming together. And not only willing, but succeeding in standing up to Al Qeada, Iran, ect.. - to keep control of their country from thugs, and murderers.

Our soldiers have performed magnificently, and not only kicked as&, but have given Iraqis encouragement.

They have won the hearts and minds of many Iraqis, through their display of sacrifice, humanity, and trust - and superior battlefield prowess.



Anonymous said...


I don't need nor want fishman "defending" my liberties through lies and propaganda.

Nice self-control, too. "Disgusting puke", candy ass", "nitwit"? True self-restraint. Perhaps you were at Abu Ghraib?

BTW, I'm not a troll. I'm a regular contributor to this officially sanctioned Air Force pro-republican blog. And I'm not going anywhere. It's called freedom of speech-remember the Constitution?

I see Bush took Clinton's and Obama's lead in finding a DIPLOMATIC solution to the North Korean nuclear issue. I guess the flip-flopper (McSame) should take notes. Let's hope Bush is smart enough to do the same with Iran.

As a foot note, the troops do not set policy so even though they perform admirably under almost impossible conditions, don't try the Rove tactic of conflating supporting the troops with abysmal leadership. That. Will. Not. Work. Anymore.

Anonymous said...

"Lies and propaganda" - LOL - as opposed to Daily Kossacks, or Huff & Puff, Democratic Underground, ect.. AP, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, and on and on.
You are so anebriated in propaganda by your own leftist party, you now perceive truth, reality and fact - as propaganda. Yet, you would swear by the lies (actually documented in various forms from so many, of your leaders, representatives, ect.. "bold face lying" even as Obama is doing now - then manipulating reality, and you swallow it hook line and sinker. As I have said - logic deficit.
And, how stupid are you - geeze - I posted this:
""If I had a lapse of decorum I would say something like -You really are a disgusting puke. And you don't deserve to be defended - go defend yourself you candy as#.

But, I shall continue to try to rest(r)ain myself as I see your nitwit remarks.""

Please note the words used - words matter - (where have I heard that before, oh yea, that snake oil salesman leading the socialists, I mean, Dimwit party)
Of course, with your infallable perception and deducive capacities, it is hard to grasp how you could have got that so wrong, when the words are so clear (not to mention darkened and underlined now) as you hold to your delusioned way of thinking.
I don't care how you view yourself, you a troll to me now that you have taken my "I see you are still trolling about like the loser you are." to say - you are a troll. Well I didn't say that - but, I will now. You are a troll. And the Dems control congress, did you know that? the Dems control congress.
You offer nothing, you only try to take - as in take down this site - or take it to the kind of "acceptable" (to you) discourse. Your a fascist troll. As I posted before - you would not have any problem here if this was a pro Obama site - unless you are now going to alledge that you are so commited to protocal and regulations (in your mind) you would be complaing that he was showing favoritism to Obama, and this is worthy to notify DoD to demand action against it!!!
You wouldn't recoginize the constitution if it bit you on the as*. You leftists take the cake citing the constitution in one breath - as you trample and spit on it, the next. And I don't care what you do - but, you repeatedly make a horses as* out of yourself - to a normal, rational person - that would have an impact. - uh, Prosecution rests with that statement.
Why do you bother to spit out your derogative, sarcastic, idiotic statements as if anyone with any common sense cares.
"Bush took Clinton's and Obama's lead in finding a DIPLOMATIC solution to the North Korean nuclear issue..." Bush has been using DIPLOMATIC solutions with N. Korea & Iran before Obama was even a senator - you moron. You don't even know RECENT history - go back and do your own home work moron, and look at the unilateral diplomacy Pres. Bush has been using - it made the news nitwit.
As a foot note, the Dems control congress, and you are a troll. (Rove made me post that, and this - and this and that, for that matter)


Anonymous said...

As a foot note: my "If I had a lapse of decorum I would say something like - & But, I shall continue to try to rest(r)ain myself as I see your nitwit remarks."

did not come out underlined and bold print!

Didn't want to get charged about that from our resident post nazi (to turn a phrase on Seinfeld, and the soup nazi)

No more posting for you Lt Fishman. No more posting for you right4us - you mean rightwinger.
